Rollerteam Owners

Rollerteam Owners

We have had a number of requests from Rollerteam owners on whether we can perform a habitation service within the warranty period.

Al-Ko axles

Al-Ko axles

Many of the Al-Ko axles fitted to some motorhomes and tourers require re-greasing every 20,000 km or annually, whichever comes sooner.

Water ingress on motorhomes & tourers

Water ingress on motorhomes & tourers

Water ingress can be a nightmare for motorhome and tourer owners and therefore makes the annual habitation and damp check so important. These checks can give an early warning of any damp resulting from faulty or deteriorated body joint sealant, poor fitting or damage to the habitation door, windows, seals and locker frames.

How old are my tyres?

How old are my tyres?

A problem that’s often overlooked with tyres is their age. If you drive less than the UK average of 8,000 miles a year, your tyres may well become unsafe through ageing before they ever wear out. Tyres left on the rear of a front wheel drive car are more likely to encounter this problem. Doing just 5,000 miles per year it could take up to ten years to wear the rear tyres out.

EICRs (Electrical Installation Condition Reports)

EICRs (Electrical Installation Condition Reports)

These certificates usually state that the latest date of the next inspection should be within three years. The Electrical Safety Council recommend caravans should undergo periodic testing at least once every three years. This recommendation is similarly endorsed by both The Caravan Club and The Camping and Caravanning Club.